Telephone Mystery Shopping
Many potential customers will have their first dealings with your company over the phone. It’s therefore essential that whoever answers the telephone creates that all-important, good first impression.
Telephone Mystery Shopping is an effective means of measuring the quality of service delivered by your employees. By targeting specific procedures, or campaigns, you are able to monitor organizational performance and make changes to process or behavior patterns as necessary.
Collectively, the telephone Mystery Shopping data gathered will clearly detail the strengths and weaknesses of your team members. Using this information you will be able to evaluate skill levels, monitor performance, and measure improvement. This can then be used to develop and implement an effective programme of training and development to enhance staff performance, improve customers service levels and increase sales and profitability.
All telephone Mystery Shopping can be recorded if required. We use only the latest audio recording equipment and every call is reviewed to ensure the clearest quality.
All recordings are then subjected to rigorous quality control measures at our head office. This includes audio quality, assessor credibility, delivery of personal information, plus brief compliance and reporting accuracy.
Telephone Mystery shopping results are provided back to you using our password protected online reporting system, where you are able to stream the audio files directly to any Windows computer or iOS device including iPads and iPhones.
How can Telephone Mystery Shopping benefit your business?
- An accurate and cost effective record of what your customers hear when they make contact with your business.
- Can be used to monitor and increases staff productivity.
- Excellent tool to measure your customers experience.
- An efficient way of identifying staff in need of further training.
- An effective deterrent against dishonesty, poor service or bad practice.
- It can allow you to learn if staff are making follow up calls within an acceptable time frame and with appropriate responses.