Video Mystery Shopping

Video Mystery Shopping is the most powerful way of experiencing the reality of service being delivered to your customers. It is the best way to monitor and measure these experiences against any prescribed service standards or sales processes.

It provides an accurate and objective account of the interaction between staff and customers, and as such, is a performance evaluation process that enables you to examine the customer experience from their perspective.

Every Video Mystery Shopping evaluation is conducted by one of our national team of trained researchers using the latest high quality hidden video recording equipment. All Video Mystery Shopping activity is then subjected to rigorous quality control measures at our head office. This includes audio and picture quality (including camera framing), assessor credibility, delivery of personal information, plus brief compliance and reporting accuracy.

Video Mystery Shopping is provided back to you using our password protected online reporting system, where you are able to stream the footage directly to any Windows computer or iOS device including iPads and iPhones.

In the event that a Video Mystery Shopping evaluation does not meet our high standards of delivery, it is repeated without additional charge.

Why choose Video Mystery shopping?

  • Non bias form of Mystery shopping as it excludes all subjectivity.
  • Clear accurate recording of what your customer’s experience.
  • Ensure employees are following any company procedures.
  • Can be used to increase staff productivity and identify those in need of further training.
  • An effective deterrent against dishonesty, poor service or bad practice.
  • HD video quality.
  • Excellent tool to measure and improve your customer’s experience.
  • Can be used as a motivational tool.

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