Retail Sector predicts job losses of up to 900,000

February 29th, 2016

Retail Sector announces that it predicts there will be job losses of up to 900,000 within the next eight years.

The British Retail Consortium announced that they foresee a big impact on our UK High Streets in the future.

The past years have seen the High Street come under huge pressure forced upon it from the rise of internet sales and online business. These changes have been slowly taking away the smaller stores from our High Streets where businesses are struggling to compete with prices and product ranges offered by the online retailers. The large cost of running a business on the High Street has meant that many businesses cannot continue to trade.

It was reported that Sir Charlie Mayfield said that ‘although the number of jobs would fall dramatically, the jobs that are left would be more productive and pay would be higher’ (*BBC News online)

The increased national living wage has come under criticism with people saying this will have a huge effect on retailers moving forward. The National Living Wage supports the government’s vision of a higher wage, lower welfare, lower tax society.

More than 70% of workers have said they will feel more positive for themselves and their families as a result of the introduction of the new National Living Wage, announced by the Chancellor at the Summer Budget. (Gov.UK)

The British Retail Consortium predicts that robotics and artificial intelligence will continue to reduce the need for humans. The High Street consumer is no stranger to the ‘do it yourself ‘ service counters and, as consumers, we are often well aware of the well scripted approach made by some staff members to encourage you to spend extra ££s at the cash register.

Staff training and customer service is essential for any business and giving your customers the ‘feel good’ factor at the end of a transaction can result in increased sales and the all important return business. It is essential to keep your staff motivated to ensure your company’s USP and core values are passed on to your customers.

Mystery shopping can be the key part in ensuring you give the ever evolving customer what they want. It was also allow you to identify key training needs within your store.

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